Where to find sphinx.conf template?

I’m trying to setup search_sphinx plugin. I’m having some questions

  1. Where can I find a template for sphinx.conf? The link in /fox/tt-rss/wiki/SphinxSearch is not working
  2. Am I right to install current sphinx 3 for using search_sphinx?


there’s an oldforum thread which has those in the OP - https://srv.tt-rss.org/oldforum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2078 (google drive links, might be for older sphinx versions)

e: i’ve reuploaded those two files to tt-rss.org and fixed the links on the live wiki page here - https://git.tt-rss.org/fox/tt-rss/wiki/SphinxSearch

First at all thanks for the answer and sorry for the late reply. I had some trouble with Sphinx. Then came the vacation time :sunny:

Am I’m right that I should use the latest Sphinx release (currently: sphinx-3.3.1-b72d67b-linux-amd64-musl.tar.gz) for integration into latest docker environment? I am struggling with migration of the old config. I will come back with more information. But it will took a while.

But a general question: Which benefit will I have with Sphinx? :slightly_smiling_face:
What does it mean to have a full-text search engine integrated into tt-rss? Is there any demo available?

better search queries, maybe. this was added long before native full text search was implemented in tt-rss (for postgresql) so this was supposed to give better / faster results.

You mean that the sphinx plugin is deprecated as long as I’m using postgresql?
How can I verify better results? Do you have an example in your demo installation?

Thanks, Dominik