Undefined array key "path"

  • [ ] I’m using stock docker compose setup, unmodified.
  • [ ] I’m using docker compose setup, with modifications (modified .yml files, third party plugins/themes, etc.) - if so, describe your modifications in your post. Before reporting, see if your issue can be reproduced on the unmodified setup.
  • [ ] I’m not using docker on my primary instance, but my issue can be reproduced on the aforementioned docker setup and/or official demo.

With the latest commit (tt-rss.git -) I’m getting this error.

Undefined array key "path"

The issue appears to happen when my feeds update.

hopefully, this would fix it - rewrite_relative: deal with undefined path warning · 385da287d8 - tt-rss - Tiny Tiny RSS

thanks for reporting.

That fixed the issue. Thanks!

Hmm, … still experiencing the issue with undefined array key while fetching favicons.

Undefined array key "path"
1. classes/urlhelper.php(116): ttrss_error_handler(Undefined array key "path", classes/urlhelper.php)
2. classes/rssutils.php(1883): rewrite_relative(https://www.tagesschau.de, /res/assets/image/favicon/favicon.ico)
3. classes/rssutils.php(1676): get_favicon_url(https://www.tagesschau.de)
4. classes/rssutils.php(578): update_favicon(https://www.tagesschau.de)
5. update.php(234): update_rss_feed()

While investigating, I noted that I am still using v22.03-0345e9d although Watchtower applied the latest container push (cthulhoo/ttrss-fpm-pgsql-static:latest). Strange. Even pulled again manually.

# docker exec -ti ttrss_app_1 /bin/sh
/ # cd /var/www/html/tt-rss/.git/
/var/www/html/tt-rss/.git # cat FETCH_HEAD 
0345e9d3f61e4f2e761cbcf68d5edb2bec1c163f		branch 'master' of https://git.tt-rss.org/fox/tt-rss
/var/www/html/tt-rss/.git # cat ORIG_HEAD 
/var/www/html/tt-rss/.git # 

It seems your latest commit did not make it into the static image on docker hub although it was newly built.

A “race” between recently setup git instances? Or did I miss something?

yeah, it’s strange. here’s what i get on my own instance:

ttrss-docker-fox (static-dockerhub):$ docker-compose exec app sh -c "cd /src/tt-rss && git log | grep commit"
commit 0345e9d3f61e4f2e761cbcf68d5edb2bec1c163f

and yet docker hub image seems to be built properly (latest checksum matches 22.03-385da287d) and i don’t see anything unusual in the build logs, and the working copy on the build server is at correct commit id.

ttrss-docker-fox (static-dockerhub):$ docker image inspect cthulhoo/ttrss-fpm-pgsql-static:latest | jq '.[].RepoDigests'

matches docker hub image checksum. :shrug:

i’ll do a manual rebuild.

nope. everything uses gitea repositories internally, public cgit instance at git.tt-rss.org is a one way mirror which is for users only.

edit: im an idiot, when the image is built it clones initially from the public mirror, which lags behind gitea. that explains everything.

i’ll fix this when i have some time.

Disagree! :wink:

Thanks! :+1:

fixed images should be available now.

my settings report version / commit id: 385da28.
