Tiny Tiny RSS on OpenShift V3

Here is a toturial to deploy ttrss on new openshift platform.

Is there anyone knows how to create a template of openshift for more quickly deploy?

These openshift instructions are not built for the free learning tier as it includes cron - which is not available in the free tier.

There may be other issues with it as well if you wish to use it with the free/learning tier.

It is possible to setup tt-rss on the free tier, as I have done, but the way I did it is even more complicated as it involves both the command line, web interface, and an external free cron job service.

If anyone is interested I will attempt to give step-by-step instructions.

The toturial use the supercronic, which has the same function with cron and doesn’t require extra permission, to update the feeds in the container. It could be used with the free plan. I will be grateful if you could bring another instruction.

the things people would go through instead of paying literal three bucks for a vds


But … But … But … If they did that, they would not be able to afford a Late Frape Crapo at Starbucks⸮

Are the Early ones any cheaper?



The typo makes it even funnier! That, and dyslexia, is my excuse. :smiling_face:


Openshift allows for 2 pods and a 1gb persistent mount
This method uses all 3.
A persistent mount is required if you want your custom data to remain when Openshift reboots its server randomly. (Maybe every 3-6 weeks).

My tt-rss repo is found here.

I think it is too difficult to use, and some parts may be wrong, but you are welcome to try.

Nah, the late ones are like day old bread… cheaper but not as good :smiley: