Some Keyboard shortcuts are not working

Describe the problem you’re having:

Keyboard shortcut to Toggle starred is not working.
The article is selected, I type s, nothing happens.

Also, the shortcut / to display search is not working.

Almost all the others are working fine (for example f r, f s, f q, ctrl+down, j, k).

I am using Chrome 72.0.3626.121. I tried in normal and incognito mode
I am also using Italian keyboard setting.

If possible include steps to reproduce the problem:
Select an article and hit “s”.
I am in combined mode if it might matter

tt-rss version (including git commit id):
Tiny Tiny RSS v19.2 (08183fc)

Platform (i.e. Linux distro, PHP, PostgreSQL, etc) versions:
Shared hosting, PHP 7, Mysql

Please provide any additional information below:
shortcut “s” was working previously to the “great update” of the webui.

Let me know if there is some log I can provide.

Thanks in advance.

Have you tried this in incognito/without browser extensions? I’m running 95e70320a6 and it’s working for me (the two commits since wouldn’t affect it since they’re just database changes).


uh-oh :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I tried in incognito mode and with no extensions enabled. It still does not work :frowning:

It was not meant in an offensive way. I just meant the shortcut has not been working for some time and is not something that changed recently

I guess I have to apologize… Did not mean to insult.
I wrote that to signify that the issue I am having did not pop up recently, but has been so for some time.
I just did not have the time to report it

It makes it difficult to troubleshoot when there are so many changes from the time it did work until the time it didn’t; reporting this sooner is better because it’s easier to identify the cause.

That being said, have you tried it on a different system?

I agree and I am sorry.

I have only Internet Explorer available, but it just stuck at the “loading” screen after the login

edit: I installed Opera, and the “s” shortcut is not working.

At this point, I do not know if it is my installation or my machine or both

Below the browser console. I select a feed, I select an article. I click “s”
Something happens only if I type “s” twice.

common.js?1544814978:20 xhrPost: {op: "feeds", method: "view", feed: "176", view_mode: "unread", order_by: "date_reverse", …}
AppBase.js?1552215612:258 RI: max_feed_id => 375
AppBase.js?1552215612:258 RI: num_feeds => 348
AppBase.js?1552215612:258 RI: cdm_expanded => true
AppBase.js?1552215612:258 RI: labels => []
Headlines.js?1552215612:545 Headlines.onLoaded: offset= 0 append= false
Headlines.js?1552215612:562 received 5 headlines, infscroll disabled= true
Article.js?1552215612:292 setActive 0
Article.js?1552215612:170 unpacking: RROW-91888
Article.js?1552215612:170 unpacking: RROW-91887
Article.js?1552215612:170 unpacking: RROW-91886
Article.js?1552215612:170 unpacking: RROW-93143
Article.js?1552215612:170 unpacking: RROW-93783
Article.js?1552215612:292 setActive 91888
common.js?1544814978:20 xhrPost: {op: "rpc", method: "catchupSelected", ids: "91888", cmode: 0}
common.js?1544814978:20 xhrPost: {op: "rpc", method: "getAllCounters", seq: 6}
AppBase.js?1552215612:258 RI: max_feed_id => 375
AppBase.js?1552215612:258 RI: num_feeds => 348
AppBase.js?1552215612:258 RI: cdm_expanded => true
AppBase.js?1552215612:258 RI: labels => []
**AppBase.js?1552215612:112 keyeventToAction s s => false**
common.js?1544814978:20 xhrPost: {op: "rpc", method: "getAllCounters", seq: 7}

Do you have any system-level software running that intercepts keys? (Multiple clipboard, text-expanding, etc.)

Is there anything logged in TT-RSS on the server? (Check the logs by logging in as the admin; then Preferences > System.) You’re on shared hosting and I wonder if there is some kind of caching problem on the server side. There shouldn’t be, but …

Nothing that I am aware of. I even disabled the antivirus, with no changes.
The strange thing is that almost all other keyboard shortcuts are working? Why “s” should be intercepted, while n, p, j or k not?

There are no logs in the event logger. Will try to look in CPanel if something might be related to caching, but I am not sure this is related.

don’t worry about it, it just sounded funny

try opening this and see what is being returned when you type “s”:
it should be keycode 38, symbol “s”.

that’s strange, it seems to map correctly to a symbol but gets eaten the first time. maybe tt-rss mistakes it for a modifier, somehow.


see below. I typed s and then what I have on my keyboard to represent /, which is either Shift+7 or / on the numeric keyboard on the right.

altKey: false
bubbles: true
cancelable: true
char: undefined
charCode: 0
ctrlKey: false
currentTarget: document
data: undefined
delegateTarget: document
eventPhase: 3
handleObj: {type: "keydown", origType: "keydown", data: undefined, handler: ƒ, guid: 16, …}
isDefaultPrevented: ƒ returnFalse()
isPropagationStopped: ƒ returnTrue()
jQuery19103080266896420356: true
key: "F12"
keyCode: 123
metaKey: false
originalEvent: KeyboardEvent {isTrusted: true, key: "F12", code: "F12", location: 0, ctrlKey: false, …}
relatedTarget: undefined
result: true
shiftKey: false
target: body
timeStamp: 10409.63499999998
type: "keydown"
view: Window {postMessage: ƒ, blur: ƒ, focus: ƒ, close: ƒ, parent: Window, …}
which: 123
__proto__: Object
jQuery.Event {originalEvent: KeyboardEvent, type: "keydown", isDefaultPrevented: ƒ, timeStamp: 23673.44500000013, jQuery19103080266896420356: true, …}
altKey: false
bubbles: true
cancelable: true
char: undefined
charCode: 0
ctrlKey: false
currentTarget: document
data: undefined
delegateTarget: document
eventPhase: 3
handleObj: {type: "keydown", origType: "keydown", data: undefined, handler: ƒ, guid: 16, …}
isDefaultPrevented: ƒ returnTrue()
isPropagationStopped: ƒ returnTrue()
jQuery19103080266896420356: true
key: "s"
keyCode: 83
metaKey: false
originalEvent: KeyboardEvent {isTrusted: true, key: "s", code: "KeyS", location: 0, ctrlKey: false, …}
relatedTarget: undefined
result: false
shiftKey: false
target: body
timeStamp: 23673.44500000013
type: "keydown"
view: Window {postMessage: ƒ, blur: ƒ, focus: ƒ, close: ƒ, parent: Window, …}
which: 83
__proto__: Object
jQuery.Event {originalEvent: KeyboardEvent, type: "keydown", isDefaultPrevented: ƒ, timeStamp: 45537.440000000286, jQuery19103080266896420356: true, …}
altKey: false
bubbles: true
cancelable: true
char: undefined
charCode: 0
ctrlKey: false
currentTarget: document
data: undefined
delegateTarget: document
eventPhase: 3
handleObj: {type: "keydown", origType: "keydown", data: undefined, handler: ƒ, guid: 16, …}
isDefaultPrevented: ƒ returnTrue()
isPropagationStopped: ƒ returnTrue()
jQuery19103080266896420356: true
key: "k"
keyCode: 75
metaKey: false
originalEvent: KeyboardEvent {isTrusted: true, key: "k", code: "KeyK", location: 0, ctrlKey: false, …}
relatedTarget: undefined
result: false
shiftKey: false
target: body
timeStamp: 45537.440000000286
type: "keydown"
view: Window {postMessage: ƒ, blur: ƒ, focus: ƒ, close: ƒ, parent: Window, …}
which: 75
__proto__: Object
jQuery.Event {originalEvent: KeyboardEvent, type: "keydown", isDefaultPrevented: ƒ, timeStamp: 163875.5450000001, jQuery19103080266896420356: true, …}
altKey: false
bubbles: true
cancelable: true
char: undefined
charCode: 0
ctrlKey: false
currentTarget: document
data: undefined
delegateTarget: document
eventPhase: 3
handleObj: {type: "keydown", origType: "keydown", data: undefined, handler: ƒ, guid: 16, …}
isDefaultPrevented: ƒ returnTrue()
isPropagationStopped: ƒ returnTrue()
jQuery19103080266896420356: true
key: "/"
keyCode: 111
metaKey: false
originalEvent: KeyboardEvent {isTrusted: true, key: "/", code: "NumpadDivide", location: 3, ctrlKey: false, …}
relatedTarget: undefined
result: false
shiftKey: false
target: body
timeStamp: 163875.5450000001
type: "keydown"
view: Window {postMessage: ƒ, blur: ƒ, focus: ƒ, close: ƒ, parent: Window, …}
which: 111
__proto__: Object
jQuery.Event {originalEvent: KeyboardEvent, type: "keydown", isDefaultPrevented: ƒ, timeStamp: 172530.93000000014, jQuery19103080266896420356: true, …}
altKey: false
bubbles: true
cancelable: true
char: undefined
charCode: 0
ctrlKey: false
currentTarget: document
data: undefined
delegateTarget: document
eventPhase: 3
handleObj: {type: "keydown", origType: "keydown", data: undefined, handler: ƒ, guid: 16, …}
isDefaultPrevented: ƒ returnTrue()
isPropagationStopped: ƒ returnTrue()
jQuery19103080266896420356: true
key: "Shift"
keyCode: 16
metaKey: false
originalEvent: KeyboardEvent {isTrusted: true, key: "Shift", code: "ShiftRight", location: 2, ctrlKey: false, …}
relatedTarget: undefined
result: false
shiftKey: true
target: body
timeStamp: 172530.93000000014
type: "keydown"
view: Window {postMessage: ƒ, blur: ƒ, focus: ƒ, close: ƒ, parent: Window, …}
which: 16
__proto__: Object
jQuery.Event {originalEvent: KeyboardEvent, type: "keydown", isDefaultPrevented: ƒ, timeStamp: 172915.4799999999, jQuery19103080266896420356: true, …}
altKey: false
bubbles: true
cancelable: true
char: undefined
charCode: 0
ctrlKey: false
currentTarget: document
data: undefined
delegateTarget: document
eventPhase: 3
handleObj: {type: "keydown", origType: "keydown", data: undefined, handler: ƒ, guid: 16, …}
isDefaultPrevented: ƒ returnTrue()
isPropagationStopped: ƒ returnTrue()
jQuery19103080266896420356: true
key: "/"
keyCode: 55
metaKey: false
originalEvent: KeyboardEvent {isTrusted: true, key: "/", code: "Digit7", location: 0, ctrlKey: false, …}
relatedTarget: undefined
result: false
shiftKey: true
target: body
timeStamp: 172915.4799999999
type: "keydown"
view: Window {postMessage: ƒ, blur: ƒ, focus: ƒ, close: ƒ, parent: Window, …}
which: 55
__proto__: Object

it seems that this works like it should. just to confirm, does hk-test.php contents show proper mappings? i.e.

Keycode=83, Symbol=s, Shift=false, Alt=false, Ctrl=false

should appear when you type “s”. if it does, i’m out of ideas. :frowning:

e: check that “s” mapping exists in keyboard shortcuts help (under Article).

also in tt-rss f12 console check that this matches:


I read about this commit so I git updated and I am now running Tiny Tiny RSS v19.2 (63d7705).
I tried the keyboard shortcut “s” and it did not work. I tried “S” (Toggle published) and it did work
So I disabled all the plugins and “s” worked again.
I re-enabled one by one and once I activated “wallabag_v2” the “s” keyboard stopped working.
I have no idea why, but it’s either the plugin off or no shortcut.
I will open an issue on the plugin’s project if someone else can confirm this behavior.

I had to update the plugin
Sorry for not figuring out earlier by myself.