Lesson learned - Cached images and Starred Cached images vs Embedded media


I did an update past weekend and some custom theme breaks everything (my fault, latest update was almost one year and a half ago), I was moving around until I sync with the git themes and almost everything was recovered.

This is what I was seeing unusual:

I was expecting to have that image cached

I was checking the forum without success, and finally I noticed that during the theme issue maybe I pushed the configuration button of: “Do not embed media” in Articles configuration and that is not compatible with the cached_starred_articles or cached_images.

Just in case anybody has the same issue.

Kind regards.

i think only <img> (and other media tags) get rewritten to locally cached files, actual links just stay as is, even if cached data is available.

maybe this is not optimal but otherwise source link would become completely inaccessible unless it’s duplicated or something which is just clumsy. a plugin could modify this behavior, i think.

e: there’s this but i don’t remember if it works: https://git.tt-rss.org/fox/ttrss-zz-textcached