Filter oversized smilies


Wordpress has this naughty behavior of spitting out huge oversized smilies in RSS. See:

(Left: Original view / Right: TTRSS view)

Is there anything I can do e.g. with filters to get rid of them?

find out base image url and filter / resize with user css

for example the rule i use for this forum:

img[src*=''] {
  weight : 20px;
  width : 20px;
  vertical-align : middle; 

Thanks, that helped indeed!

For anyone have the same issue, here’s my custom CSS:

img[src*=''] {
  width : 14px !important;
  vertical-align : middle; 
img[src*=''] {
  width : 14px !important;
  vertical-align : middle; 

First, you can combine the two rules. Second, it may be a little aggressive, but you only need 1 rule.

  1. combo rule:
  width : 14px !important;
  vertical-align : middle; 
  1. one rule: more aggressive (just match “emoji” urls). And instead of figuring out image sizes for various websites, I just use 1em square so that is doesn’t mess up paragraph formatting.
  height : 1em !important;
  width : 1em !important;
  vertical-align : middle;