CloudFlare and RSS

The RSS feed site uses Cloudflare DDoS protection. Are there solutions to work without problems with such protection (settings, plugins)?

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what would be the point of a DDOS protection service if anyone could easily work around it? think about it.

Also, if I’m not mistaken the DDoS protection is based on your server’s IP address. The idea is that the protected contents (in this case, the RSS feed) are only supposed to be accessed by “real people”, meaning client machines, and not by servers or other automated systems. So, if your server has an IP address from range that houses, well, servers, the request to the feed will be denied long before any plugins or settings of TT-RSS could possibly come into play.

Thanks for the answer. fox, I completely agree with your comment. I will express my thoughts. CloudFlare first loads its page. After a few seconds, a redirect occurs to the desired content. TT-RSS receives exactly the content from the first stub page (CloudFlare) and the request ends with an error. I think ip doesn’t really matter in this case.

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Recently there was a hint in this board to use feedburner to generate a feed from the site, which suprinsingly worked well for the one feed protected by Cloudflare that I wanted to get.
In the end, it all seems to be a question of reputation of the host requesting the rssurl. My current server is not let through, a previous had no issue.
TL;DR: try feedburner.