Using official Docker with Synology Docker GUI

Y2KSE - strangely I have a new error that’s popped up both in the DB log and the APP log when I start the app. It causes the app to stop.

In the app log:
psql: error: could not connect to server: FATAL: password authorization failed for user “ttrss”

In the DB log:
FATAL: password authentication failed for user "ttrss
DETAIL: Role “ttrss” does not exist.

To note: I have set the DB name, user, and password all set to “ttrss” in both the DB and app Environments.

(@Fox - yes, yes… I’m sure you’re salivating… If I wasn’t a relative newbie to Docker I may be able to figure it out… but it’s just not the case… go ahead - I’ve given you another opportunity to take out your unhappiness with your miserable life on the fact my Docker skills are significantly less than yours… actually I’m an admitted newbie with it… go whole hog… empty your tank).

Screenshots of environment tabs of the DB and APP environment tabs. ( the GUID and PUID to 1000 worked - thank you)

App In next post


@mr.ryet Remove all of the persistent data for the db container and restart it. You likely changed the username, password, or some other variable after first start of the container.

The reason fox is frustrated (which I have begun to understand) is that you have not tried anything to solve your problem before asking for help. Literally the first google result for your error takes you to this page with a similar issue and a solution that takes all of 10 seconds to try out.

Being new is one thing (we were all there once), but have the courtesy to at least try some basic troubleshooting first. You’ll save yourself a lot of time down the road and learn more in the process.

imagine writing foss software for 15 years and then you wake up to this sheer masterpiece of a post:

there’s vast difference between being a newbie and being you. kindly don’t associate this noble word with yourself, forum poster mr.ryet.

look how he continues to do just that, post after post, not once even trying to think for himself. amazing, really. it’s like a talking vegetable.

Thank you all for your assistance. I have ttrss running and installed with a few additional plug ins. I appreciate all your assistance.

I have run into a very strange issue however:
Every 48 hours approx the Docker containers for the updater and web disappear. They no longer exist. I have googled the issue but there doesn’t seem to be any straight answers. The update container is based off the same image as app, so I find it strange that updater would disappear and app would not. All containers are running well with no reboots and no errors in the logs… I don’t have this issue with any of my other containers (hoobs, watchtower, etc).

Any idea what’s going on? It has happened twice in the last few days already.
