Unable to send SMTP mail

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Describe the problem you’re having:

I havd installed SMTP plugin, Enable in config.php, Still can not send mail.

Error sending email: Unable to send mail: check local configuration.


If possible include steps to reproduce the problem:

tt-rss version (including git commit id):

… v18.12

Platform (i.e. Linux distro, PHP, PostgreSQL, etc) versions:

Please provide any additional information below:

define(‘SMTP_SERVER’, ‘friday.domain.com:465’);
// Hostname:port combination to send outgoing mail (i.e. localhost:25).
// Blank - use system MTA.

define('SMTP_LOGIN', '[email protected]');
define('SMTP_PASSWORD', 'mypassword');
	// These two options enable SMTP authentication when sending
	// outgoing mail. Only used with SMTP_SERVER.

define('SMTP_SECURE', 'ssl');
	// Used to select a secure SMTP connection. Allowed values: ssl, tls,
	// or empty.

define('SMTP_SKIP_CERT_CHECKS', true);
	// Accept all SSL certificates, use with caution.



  1. tt-rss event log
  2. smtp server logs
Tiny Tiny rss can send mail, but the Chinese mail sent is garbled.Can you help me?


are you using smtp plugin or built-in mail function?

HI, I using smtp plugin.

looks like phpmailer defaults to iso-8859-1, yet another idiotic choice, as usual with this library


this should probably help

The problem is solved, thank you very much.