Tracking article updates

Sometimes, for important feeds, one may want to track textual changes in articles. As you know, some (many?) feeds don’t change GUID when article text changes.

Currently we have a “Mark updated articles as unread” setting for each feed. This is a nice setting but it would be nicer if we had a text diff that shows what actually changed. It can be placed at the top of the article. I’ve created a screenshot:

com 2017-08-20 20-28-52

Would anybody be interested in such a feature? Can we expect this feature from a future version of TT-RSS?

Thanks in advance.

you can make a plugin which would do that (compare with stored article content or something)

Thanks for the reply. I tried modifying the code directly but failed. That part of the codebase looks somewhat complicated (i.e. scary, if you don’t mind wording :stuck_out_tongue: ).

I’d appreciate any guidance in this. Thanks again.

if you want to make a plugin there’s plenty examples to start with - bundled plugins and example repositories on dev site.

if your idea of guidance is me spoon feeding or making that thing you want for you im afraid it’s not going to work out like that.

also, i wouldn’t recommend hacking the core code unless you want to get stuck backporting changes forever.

I’ll give it a try again later. Thanks for your help.