Subscribe to feeds generated on localhost


I have some basic skills in coding, but not much. So I would like to ask for some help.

I am hosting ttrss on localhost (ubuntu 16.04) using PHP + Nginx + PostgreSQL.
I have also installed it separately under my public domain name.
Both version is v17.12

The goal would be to be able to subscribe with the ttrss on the domain to the feed what has been generated on the local ttrss. (I am using them on the same computer, same browser.)

The error message I get:

Couldn’t download the specified URL: ; file_get_contents([http :// ttrss2.lan/public.php?op=rss&id=0&is_cat=1&key=le1zlt5dd512dd01e1b](http :// ttrss2.lan/public.php?op=rss&id=0&is_cat=1&key=le1zlt5dd512dd01e1b&fbclid=IwAR0PeYbAyTDl31UrOcFyU3u4og4VMBIQ7J9fEi5IYhgvAwMEroDFZYVZq3o)): failed to open stream: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known

Any help would be much much appreciated!

this is a network/server configuration problem which has nothing to do with tt-rss.

your server can’t resolve its own name. either missing an entry in hosts or something like that.

e: instead of subscribing to ttrss.lan try subsribing to http://localhost/etc. or fix your server.

also, you are also using an ancient snapshot of tt-rss from 2017, even though in this particular case it shouldn’t matter.

instead of doing whatever you were doing, start with tt-rss installation guide.

Thank You for the fast reply! I will check the server config, also update ttrss.

Thanks again!