Show as feed to forward originating feed desciption and image


i am currently evaluating using tt-rss as a way to have a centralized store of my podcasts subscriptions. Every podcast feed is added to a folder, in my podcast fetcher i just need to subscribe to the folder which feed is generated from within tt-rss. Works fine except for the fact, that no image/description is forwarded in the generated feed, which makes it difficult to differentiate individual subscriptions. Would it be possible to forward the image of the original feed (if available) and possibly the description of the feed as well?

Thanks a lot!

Assuming the information is in the original feed, you can manipulate the published feed using the HOOK_ARTICLE_EXPORT_FEED hook. This is in the generate_syndicated_feed() method here.

Thanks for your answer! So you are saying this could be solved by writing a plugin that manipulates how each article in the generated feed is published?

Yes. TT-RSS just takes the existing article and uses that content. I’m not sure why content would show up in the feed proper, but not in the published feed. Nevertheless, using the link I provided above you can see how the published feed is generated. The hook I referenced basically passes the content of each article as an array to your plugin and you’d modify it as you want and return it.

In re-reading your original post, it occurs to me that some podcast feeds use unusual name spaces for XML tags (e.g. iTunes). TT-RSS isn’t going to pick up on that. If the feeds you subscribe to and place in a folder also don’t have any description, etc. that’s probably what’s happening. The solution to that is to write a plugin that handles the processing of the feed. But I’ll wait till you write back before going into more detail. After that the published feed would (as it’s supposed to) just use the existing content.

Thanks again! So I’ll try to be a bit more precise. Take this feed: inoteccast dot de slash feed It contains the <channel><description> XXX</description> tags as well as <channel><image> ... </image> tags. Both are stripped off when I re-generate the feed from within tt-rss. I would like to see the icon and possibly the description in my mobile podcast app and as well on my desktop podcast app. I would like to use tt-rss to manage my subscriptions as well as my read (i.e. listened) podcasts from all different devices I use.

In writing this I realized my initial mistake: when I mix various podcasts into a single folder, tt-rss has obviously no means in separating them into separate feeds with unique images and descriptions. However, the issue is still the same, even when I generate feeds for each individual podcast separately.

Channel-specific information is not going to come through. Only the information in the <item> tags (<entry> for ATOM feeds).

How would that work, anyway? You’ve combined x number of podcasts into a single folder that’s published. Which feed’s channel info would the published folder show?

You could use the plugin hook I mentioned initially to get each feed’s channel image and description, then add it to each article’s entry in the generated feed.

This is what I realized in my last post as well :wink:
Thanks for your pointers!