Rss with google account

I 've installed ttrss on my home server and it works well with many rss. However, I follow some blogspot (google) sites that need to be logged with a google account to access the page.

When I’m logged, I can read the rss with Firefox. I’ve tried to put the adress of the feed in trss with the login and psw but it don’t find any flow.

I suppose that it’s will be needed to have a separate login, but how to do that on my home server (ttrss is running in a docker)
The second problem is similar, it’s a Wordpress page that need an authentification. With Firefox, the feed can be read but how to put that in ttrss.

I’m suprised not to find anothers usesr having this problem ! Or may be I forgot something in the ttrss configuration.
Any help woul’d be appreciated.

When you subscribe to a feed, you can add authentication. Does this not work for you?

i’m afraid tt-rss is not going to log in to your google account for you. the sites in question explicitly rejected all clients outside the walled garden. if you want to access them you’ll either have to ask them to change their policy and respect open internet or use a different reader.

tt-rss supports standard (i.e. http basic) authentication for protected feeds. if they rely on something like google or facebook login it’s not going to work, for both technical (it is possible to make an oauth or w/e plugin which would imitate this but i’m not aware of any) and ideological (personally i find centralized internet abhorrent and evil and won’t write a single line of code which supports it) reasons.

Maybe these Google support articles will help.

Hello y2kse,
According to the fox answer, it’s not possible to read feeds that require Google account. Id. for Wordpress.
I have to find a another solution.
Thank you for the informations.