Python wrapper and utilities for the REST API

Hi all,

(First post :slight_smile:)
Lately, the TinyTinyRSS webinterface on my private server appeared to become somewhat sluggish in day-to-day usage. As a remedy, I wrote a Python script to display and update the latest unread articles. Motivation on my blog. In the process, I created a full Python wrapper for the REST interface, which could potentially be useful for anyone writing a desktop client for TinyTinyRSS. Code is available at GitHub. Comments and critique are, of course, welcome :slight_smile:

Andreas Fischer

Thank you for that.

Might I humbly suggest a few things:

  1. Cookie Cutter to refactor your repository so that it works as a real python package. Once that is done, we can all install it with pip.
  2. Getting some unit/functional tests might be a good idea. I suggest pytest for that.

I really want to offer to help but I have no free time whatsoever… :frowning:

Thanks for the comments! Indeed, both packaging and testing are on my ToDo list. I’ll try to spend some time on a testing framework the next two weeks or so – stay tuned.

Thanks for the hint on Cookie Cutter – I wasn’t aware of that until now. I’ll have a closer look.

Unfortunately, lately the web interface started to become increasingly sluggish.

tfw you legit optimize tons of shit and then read this

Sorry, I didn’t want to point fingers… the problem could be at my side, as well. I just noticed that, after having tt-rss open in a browser tab for more than ~5-6 hours, the interface starts to lag noticeably. I’m not ruling out the possibility that this is due to strange side effects from Firefox / Plugins, though.

Possible. I have mine opened for weeks at a time and see no slowing whatsoever…

Ditto here.

The only ‘slowness’ I’ve observed is the length of time (minutes sometimes) it takes to add a new feed and have it ‘take’ and the page refresh. Since I’m not adding new feeds all the time it’s not that much of an issue, nor have I bothered looking into what might be wrong.

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

Just a reminder: A python wrapper for the API already exists, and is also on PyPI.

maybe you should post this somewhere else, doesn’t seem like this fits the python thread

Ah, wow. I wasn’t aware of that. Probably should have googled before :slight_smile:
Thanks for the hint. I’ll have a look – maybe I can contribute.

:smiling_face: Was ranting… Post is gone.