Proposed change: Use variable instead of hardcoded 5432 port on docker-compose scripts

The, and
scripts are using the default 5432 port to connect to PostgreSQL.
If someone (like me) has a PostgreSQL instance exposed to a different port, the scripts don’t work.

I propose to add a DB_PORT variable that defaults to 5432 if not set.
I can make a PR if you enable me to fork (username is fsalvini).


this is the internal port which is used for intra-container communication and one postgresql server actually listens on.

you can set the exposed port to whatever value you like in the YML if you want to expose the database to the outside world, as long as it leads to 5432.

using an external (shared?) database server is not something that you should be doing with this setup (database isolation is part of the reasons for the whole thing existing) so i’m not interested in facilitating this use-case.

I’m using an external shared database server to minimize resource usage on a cheap VPS.
Personally I’m only interested in the TTRSS docker containers, not the db / web server.
If it complicates the existing setup I’ll abandon the idea.