PDO Exception Error

I searched the forums and the net and didn’t see this specific error message:

<pre>Exception while creating PDO object:SQLSTATE[08006] [7] FATAL: Peer authentication failed for user “www-data”</pre>

I’ve been using tt-rss for years. I run it on a D.O. VPS with debian, nginx, postgres. I did a brand new pull of v19.2 (de71303) and didn’t import my old opml. I created all new filters. Test config worked with no issues and I didn’t initialize my db. PHP version is 5.6.

When I go to command line and run ./update.php the above is what I get. The <pre> and </pre> are part of the response I get on command line. Anyone else experience this? Did I not search for proper term?

I got the same results the op did when using fox’s suggestion of db-check.php from https://discourse.tt-rss.org/t/exception-while-creating-pdo-object/2221

I believe my cron job of update --feeds quiet is running properly because I can see the “time” by each of the filters in Preferences.

this isn’t really tt-rss related but try setting DB_HOST in config.php.

either that or fix your postgres configuration.