OPML-export and OPML public feed have different numbers of feeds

I guess this is not expected behavior, or am I possibly doing something wrong. Before I go into details I just want to know, if there is any option in TinyTinyRSS, which gives me this result.

before you go into details try reading the warning near the publish opml button in the ui

Published OPML does not include your Tiny Tiny RSS settings,

Which is exactly, what I want.

feeds that require authentication

None of my feeds requires authentication.

or feeds hidden from Popular feeds.

I didn’t change the visibility settings for my feeds.

So I wonder, what I could have done wrong. :thinking:

you can try checking in the feed editor if there’s a login saved, this happened for some people because of browser autocomplete.

if that’s not it you might need to check if there’s anything else suspicious about missing feeds in the database.

I checked in the database, and indeed, you gave me the solution.

The table “ttrss-feeds” has the fields “auth-login” and “auth-pass”. I didn’t use them by knowledge, but somehow autocomplete had filled “auth-pass” fields with numbers.

As someone would expect, feeds with passwords shouldn’t be made public, so exactly this feeds were missing from my public OPML file. As soon as I removed the numbers from the table, they where part of my public feed.

This is great, because now I don’t need to export it manually anymore to fill this list of blogs from my hometown “Bonn”: Bonner Blogs - BonnerBlogs.de
I used an manually exported OPML-file on the server and a plugin transforms it to this list.

Is there a way (for you or for me) to prevent this fields to be autofilled (or is there a good reason for this?)

update ttrss_feeds set auth_pass = ''

Did the cleanup in one sql-command (only if you don’t have any passwords for your feeds)

if you are on latest trunk this should have been recently fixed