New error on restart - 'PHP UConverter class is missing'

DOH! Figured it out - it was my own stupid fault. In config.php php_executable was set to the system php, rather than the brew one. It caught me out because I was assuming that the php used would be the same as the one I set in apache, which is why info.php looked fine but I was still having issues. So in case anyone else has the same issue, in config.php change:

define(‘PHP_EXECUTABLE’, '/usr/bin/php);


define(‘PHP_EXECUTABLE’, '/usr/local/bin/php);

For DreamHost, there is a good tutorial:

Found a solution that works for me:

I cannot paste the URL here. Found on the apachefriends forum. viewtopic.php?t=75044

Running XAMPP 7.2.12-0 (PHP 7.2.12) on macOS Mojave 10.14.4


Under Mageia, I had to do the following :
urpmi php-intl
restart the apache server :
systemctl restart httpd
systemctl restart ttrssd

Hope this can help.



This maybe very that’s my config on Synology specific:

With PHP 7.2.13, intl 1.1.0, icu 56.1 tt-rss update missed the Uconverter class.

Digging in my config I found a mismatch between PHP_EXECUTABLE (pointed to an also existing 7.0 binary) and the one used by the web server (7.2), setting PHP_EXECUTABLE to PHP_BINARY solved this issue immediately.

In my case, the issue wasn’t that the intl module wasn’t installed, but rather that it wasn’t enabled. So if anyone else is still stuck after installing the package, make sure you have extension=intl in your php.ini.

Had the same error - and this was driving me crazy.
Here is my problem to solution approach.

Find the PHP version your daemon is using

$ ps ax | grep update_daemon2.php
31332 ?        Ss     0:00 /usr/bin/php7.0 ./update_daemon2.php

==> I am using /usr/bin/php7.0

Check if the class is available:

$ /usr/bin/php7.0  -c  /etc/php/7.0/cli/php.ini --re intl | grep UConverter  
    Class [ <internal:intl> class UConverter ] {

If no output the module intl is not installed or loaded. ==> install it or have a look if the module is not enabled in php.ini

Try to load the class:

$  /usr/bin/php7.0 -a -c /etc/php/7.0/cli/php.ini <<< 'print(class_exists("UConverter")); exit();'
    Interactive mode enabled

Must print “1” in output - otherwise intl is not installed.

Run the daemon
$ /usr/bin/php7.0 -c /etc/php/7.0/cli/php.ini ./update_daemon2.php

Still gives an error with UConverter missing?

$ grep PHP_EXECUTABLE config.php
    define('PHP_EXECUTABLE', '/usr/bin/php');

Now you nailed the error:
==> Edit config.php to:
define('PHP_EXECUTABLE', '/usr/bin/php7.0');