Load full resolution images and videos in the feed

Describe the problem you’re having:
Hi, the images which are attached to the article are too small and not viewable from within the site. I wondered if there is plugin/setting which allows one to view media content without navigating to the official site.

If possible include steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. Subscribe to any of the subreddit feeds i.e. .gifs - funny, animated gifs for your viewing pleasure
  2. Enable image cache in settings
  3. Wait for some posts to get synched
  4. Watch small res images loaded in the feed articles

tt-rss version (including git commit id):
latest (04/11/2018)

Platform (i.e. Linux distro, PHP, PostgreSQL, etc) versions:
Centos, PHP FPM, Postgre

Please provide any additional information below:

enable af_redditimgur plugin

Thank you, enabled it and it works now, did not notice the plugins section at the beginning.