Keyboard Shortcuts help

I do most of my TT-RSS reading on an Android tablet web browser. Alas, the very convenient keyboard shortcuts are unavailable in this device. I propose making the Keyboard Shortcuts help popup “active”.

By that I mean I want to tap on the shortcut I want since I can’t use the keyboard. Is this doable with a plugin? If not, what script should I hack on? classes/rpc.php?

My first attempt is this:

In: classes/rpc.php


static function get_hotkeys_info() {
$hotkeys = array(

__("Go to") => array(
        "goto_all" => "<a href=#all{feed:-4})>".__("All articles")."</a>",
        "goto_fresh" => "<a href=#fresh{feed:-3})>".__("Fresh")."</a>",
        "goto_marked" => "<a href=#marked{feed:-1})>".__("Starred")."</a>",
        "goto_published" => "<a href=#published{feed:-2})>".__("Published")."</a>",
        "goto_read" => "<a href=#read{feed:-6})>".__("Recently read")."</a>",
        "goto_tagcloud" => __("Tag cloud"),
        "goto_prefs" => __("Preferences")),
__("Other") => array(
        "create_label" => "<a href=#label onclick=CommonDialogs.addLabel()>".__("Create label")."</a>",
        "create_filter" => "<a href=#filter onclick=Filters.quickAddFilter()>".__("Create filter")."</a>",
        "collapse_sidebar" => "<a href=#sidebar onclick=Feeds.toggle()>".__("Expand/Collapse sidebar")."</a>", 
        "help_dialog" => __("Show help dialog"))

When the Keyboard shortcuts help panel pops up, you can tap/click on the hot links instead of pressing (on a tablet, a non-existent) hot key.

I plan to include all of the shortcuts, but these are working so far.