Import of OPML from other rss reader

Hi to all,
i have imported an OPML (With large number of rss) from RSSOWL (a feed reader of pc) to tt-rss.

Import was successful but i need to update the data information of feed, for example the thumbnail, and the website original url of feed rss, and other information.

What can I do?

ps: opml not have this data, i need that tt-rss reacquire this data as new, not as imported.
This is an example of all imported feed
sorry my bad english but I can’t explain it

try letting every feed update at least once, this information should be pulled automatically

I tried, but it didn’t update automatically.
Remain blank, and if you want to edit other feed information, you must add url becouse it’s required field.
This is a sample of my partial original OPML esported from rssowl

ps: instead the thumbnails update correctly, after first feed update :wink:

you’re right, it seems that basic feed info is only auto-updated if title is [Unknown], which it isn’t when importing OPML

this seems like something people should have reported a long time ago :man_shrugging:

untested but should work

It works! now all data url are update correctly
Thanks Fox