Full translation of the german android app Tiny Tiny RSS


it would be great, if you could translate the following terms into german in the android app Tiny Tiny RSS:

Special -> Sonderfeeds
Recently read -> Kürzlich gelesen
All articles -> Alle Artikel
Fresh articles -> Neue Artikel
Published articles -> Veröffentlichte Artikel
Starred articles -> Markierte Artikel
Archived articles -> Archivierte Artikel


i’ve added localization support for those strings, you (or someone else) can add missing string resources through weblate

Thanks! I’m not familiar with Github, so someone else can add the missing strings.

You don’t have to be familiar with Github. Create an account on Weblate (Projects @ Weblate) and start translating.

ok. The strings are translated.

thanks, i’ve also merged other translations, new apk is going to be up on google play soon

Hello, I’m familiar with Github and also with Java-development. Can I help further with translation?

try reading the posts above yours?

Hello, I have read the other posts. I want to provide some additional help, if it is needed. If not - it is also ok.
I will take a quick look at the Weblate-site.