Fresh articles view, 'Newest first' orders by feed

Using tt-rss (GIT master) on my private server, when viewing the ‘Fresh articles’ special view, mode “Adaptive” and order “Newest First” selected, the articles are grouped by feed, then newest first.

It would be my preference to see the articles from mixed feeds, newest first. For example, if a feed has a ton of articles that i haven’t read yet, ‘Fresh articles’ will show the ‘old’ articles from that feed before showing a new article from another feed.

I hope this makes sense. See this screen cap:

I’d rather have the articles there shown in order: BBC, BBC, Ars, Ars, Ars, Ars, BBC, Ars, Ars.

Is there a way to accomplish this i am not familiar with?

disable grouping by feed.

Pfffff! That simple, 'eh. I didn’t expect to find that option in the General Settings though.
Thanks a lot @fox !!