Extended Dilbert comic strip plugin

I extended the default Dilbert comic plugin to also include tags, the comic title (except for Sunday strips) and a transcript as mouseover. Works well for me so far.
I also created some other comic plugins (Foxtrot, Nerf Now, Ctrl+Alt+Del). If anyone is interested, I can do some cleaning up and put them in a repository.



class Af_Comics_Dilbert extends Af_ComicFilter {

	function supported() {
		return array("Dilbert");

	function process(&$article) {
		if (strpos($article["guid"], "dilbert.com") !== FALSE ||
			strpos($article["link"], "/DilbertDailyStrip") !== FALSE) {

				$res = fetch_file_contents($article["link"], false, false, false,
					 false, false, 0,
					 "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:50.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/50.0");

				global $fetch_last_error_content;

				if (!$res && $fetch_last_error_content)
					$res = $fetch_last_error_content;

				$doc = new DOMDocument();

				$basenode = false;

				if ($doc) {
					$xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);

					// Get the image container
					$basenode = $xpath->query('(//div[@class="img-comic-container"]/a[@class="img-comic-link"])')->item(0);

					// Get the comic title
					$comic_title = $xpath->query('(//span[@class="comic-title-name"])')->item(0)->textContent;

					// Get tags from the article
					$matches = $xpath->query('(//p[contains(@class, "comic-tags")][1]//a)');
					$tags = array();

					foreach ($matches as $tag) {
						// Only strings starting with a number sign are considered tags
						if ( substr($tag->textContent, 0, 1) == '#' ) {
							$tags[] = mb_strtolower(substr($tag->textContent, 1), 'utf-8');

					// Get the current comics transcript and set it
					// as the title so it will be visible on mousover
					$transcript = $xpath->query('(//div[starts-with(@id, "js-toggle-transcript-")]//p)')->item(0);
					if ($transcript) {
						$basenode->setAttribute("title", $transcript->textContent);

					if ($basenode) {
						$article["content"] = $doc->saveXML($basenode);

					// Add comic title to article type if not empty (mostly Sunday strips)
					if ($comic_title) {
						$article["title"] = $article["title"] . " - " . $comic_title;

					if (!empty($tags)) {
						// Ignore existing tags and just replace them all
						$article["tags"] = array_unique($tags);


			return true;

		return false;

probably a good idea to rename the class btw

To avoid conflicts with the existing plugin? Wouldn’t it be run twice then?

At first I tried to create a folder in plugins.local/af_comics/filters to have my own plugins separated and keep them from being overwritten on updates but then noticed, that they aren’t loaded at all.

yeah, af_comics doesn’t have any code for custom filters in plugins.local. i’m not sure if its a good idea to just overwrite the existing file either, because of git pull issues.

At least for me that’s not an issue. I’ve been running TT-RSS for years on various servers and usually do pulls on a copy merging the changes manually. Probably not the best way to keep it up to date but it works for me. :slight_smile:
Feel free to include the modified plugin in the official code repository though.

sure, file a merge request.

How do you get the plugin to work?

There should already be a plugin in plugins/af_comics/filters/af_comics_dilbert.php which you can overwrite but as fox integrated my changes in the official repository just update your installation.

i just subbed on the default feed on dilbert.com and your plugin didn’t work btw :argh:

e: possibly because it was an atom feed

I am using this one: Dilbert Daily Strip

If you’re looking at updating the CAD comic plugin as well, I’ve been using my own updated version for a few weeks now with no issues. Just haven’t got around to figuring out how to do a merge request.

Feel free to use it if you want, if not eventually I’ll get to it.

class Af_Comics_Cad extends Af_ComicFilter {

    function supported() {
        return array("Ctrl+Alt+Del");

    function process(&$article) {
        if (strpos($article["link"], "cad-comic.com/comic/") !== FALSE) {
            $doc = new DOMDocument();

                if (@$doc->loadHTML(fetch_file_contents($article["link"]))) {
                    $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
                    $basenode = $xpath->query('(//div[@class="comicpage"]/a/img)')->item(0);

                    if ($basenode) {
                        $article["content"] = $doc->saveXML($basenode);

            return true;

        return false;

since there’s multiple filters around i’ll add support for filters.local in af-comics and let people place whatever they want in there

for cad i guess i’ll update with the short plugin above, thanks dude

e: cad also seems to be using cloudflare so i can’t really test anything reliably with my third world ip

no problem, though bummer about the cloudflare, never noticed it :frowning:
At least the user-agent gets around it easily though :slight_smile: