Exceptions while creating PDO objects

@conrad784 Correct, but I couldn’t get it to work again with the clean synology installation with php7 package. Same pdo error for me. Maybe it works for bigonttrss

Ported to PHP7. Same PDO error still.
From what I have learned here, I am guessing that the culprit must be all the current Synology PHP installations. :frowning:

I had the same problem of you guys, on a Syno too.
I just defined DB_HOST to instead of empty in config.php file and everythings working again! :slight_smile:

I had ‘localhost’ until it stopped working. That should be the same as ‘’ AFAIK
As a long shot, I just tried your suggestion. Didn’t help in my case :frowning:

Thanks, you made my day! This was the missing info! Now it is working with version 19.2 on a DSM 6.2.2 with PHP7 & PHP7.2.

Did you change the define in the file config.php of ttrss to:
for php70: define(‘PHP_EXECUTABLE’, ‘/usr/local/bin/php70’);
for php7.2: define(‘PHP_EXECUTABLE’, ‘/usr/local/bin/php70’);


I got it working!!! :slight_smile: But only by switching back to php56. Go figure.

When I wrote earlier that the change to DB_HOST didn’t work I HAD set the PHP_EXECUTABLE correctly to ‘/usr/local/bin/php70’.
Or at least I thought I had. Maybe my editor is doing something funny.

Anyway tt-rss is updating. Maybe I shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth :slight_smile:

The fever plugin is no longer letting me log in though. I must have broken something in my efforts to get the updater working. :frowning:

Big thanks to all.

Changes inside TT-RSS broke the Fever plugin awhile go, some users in the community patched it:


I don’t use it so I can speak to whether it still works today, but there’s enough people here (I think) using it that I’m sure it’s probably still working with the appropriate patches.

/usr/local/bin/php72 :wink:

@bigonttrss, weird, I use php72 and everything working so far. :slight_smile:
Maybe a missing plugin in your PHP configuration?

The fever plugin was working with recent tt-rss until my present troubles started.
I was aware of the patch and had applied it.

Fever plugin is running in the tt-rss GUI.

The login is the problem at the moment.

Same problem for me.

Solved by replacing DB_HOST with instead of localhost and switched back to PHP56

Fever is now working again. :slight_smile:
I just deleted it and reinstalled and it started working.

shit, copy and paste error… :innocent:

Ich habe es mit einer frischen DSM Installation 6.2.2, MariaDB10 und PHP7 unter Synology zum laufen gebracht. Und das ohne PHP5 überhaupt zu installieren. Dazu muss man allerdings phpmyadmin manuell installieren und einrichten.
Was zum Erfolg führt (PDO Error) ist foldendes:
Es hilft für die jeweilige PHP-Installationen eine Datei /usr/local/etc/php56/conf.d/user-settings.ini bzw. /usr/local/etc/php70/conf.d/user-settings.ini anzulegen und dort die relevanten Module bzw. auch spezifische open_basedir hineinzuschreiben.
Für PHP7:
open_basedir = Null

zend_extension = opcache.so
zend_extension = xdebug.so

extension = apcu.so
extension = bcmath.so
extension = bz2.so
extension = calendar.so
extension = curl.so
extension = dba.so
extension = exif.so
extension = ftp.so
extension = gd.so
extension = gettext.so
extension = gmp.so
extension = iconv.so
extension = imap.so
extension = intl.so
extension = ldap.so
extension = mailparse.so
extension = mcrypt.so
extension = memcached.so
extension = mysqli.so
extension = openssl.so
extension = pdo_dblib.so
extension = pdo_mysql.so
extension = pdo_pgsql.so
extension = pdo_sqlite.so
extension = pgsql.so
extension = phar.so
extension = posix.so
extension = redis.so
extension = shmop.so
extension = soap.so
extension = sockets.so
extension = sqlite3.so
extension = ssh2.so
extension = sysvmsg.so
extension = sysvsem.so
extension = sysvshm.so
extension = wddx.so
extension = xmlrpc.so
extension = xsl.so
extension = zip.so

Vielleicht hilft es ja jemandem.

It could help more people if you’d posted this in English…

I did something better… I just compiled a working spk :grinning:

I did a lot of research what has changed with PHP 7.2 and MariaDB10 and what’s going wrong with the package offered by synocommunity. There project spksrc is the base for this package.
But every nice side has a bad side… There is no support for PHP5.6/7.0 and MariaDB5 anymore. Multisupport could be added, but I miss the time for this a the moment.
This package only works for DSM 6.1/6.2 and only with PHP7.2 & MariaDB10 (Port 3307). You could change the port in config.php.
Supported languages are English/French (original) and German (hopefully I translated everthing correct).
I would offer a link if it is appreciated and ok for fox.

thanks for the great reader and the support!


as long as it is clear this is a third party thing why not

If your Synology model supports the Virtual Machine Manager package, then running tt-rss inside a guest is much easier. You also get the extra functionality provided by VMM, such as the ability to take scheduled snapshots.

Mac OSCatalina 10.15.2
XAMPP 7.3.7

I moved my CLI to ZSH from SH. Now, when I run php ./update_daemon2.php, I get:

Exception while creating PDO object:SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Operation timed out

I figured I’ll move my CLI back to SH. Ran update_daemon2.php again. Same error. I also ran with php ./update.php -daemon. Same error.

I changed ‘DB_HOST’ to a variety of different configurations (’’, ‘localhost’, ‘’) - did not fix.

Anyone have any ideas on how to resolve?

So I answered my own question. For Mac/XAMPP users who have updated to Catalina and initiated zsh, here’s what you need to do:

  1. Create a new file .zprofile at the top of your user directory
  2. Copy the contents of .bash_profile into .zprofile and save
  3. Restart Terminal

The .bash_profile and .zprofile should begin with /Applications/xampp/xamppfiles/bin

Simple, right? {except these instructions oddly do not exist anywhere, apparently}

Thanks for sharing.

If the files are going to be identical, you could just soft or hard link them. It’ll save you from updating two files if you need to make changes.

Excellent idea. Thanks!