Every time an article is edited, it is added to tt-rss newly

PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE POSTING: About the Support category - is not visible for me

Describe the problem you’re having:

I added a few feeds to tt-rss. On this feeds are articles. Every time on article is updated/edited, it will be added to tt-rss as a new article and not an update of the existing.
So, I have a few doublets in the tt-rss. I don’t find any setting like “just update edited articles in database”. Is this not supported?

If possible include steps to reproduce the problem:

tt-rss version (including git commit id):
Tiny Tiny RSS v17.4 commit: 7611f0c0

Platform (i.e. Linux distro, PHP, PostgreSQL, etc) versions:
Ubuntu 16.04, MySQL 5.7, Apache 2.4, PHP7.0

€: Sorry, I just found the old forum at this moment and will have a look there.

unless the feed is broken (i.e. uses article GUIDs incorrectly), articles are updated in the database properly without duplicates

Thanks for oyur answer

But the same feed articles were updated in other feedreader like firefox or Outlook without problem.

Database tells us:

There is the original post with GUID SHA1:ca372ffbf7b…c65
The update has GUID SHA1:29aa25d…edd

So the tt-rss cant match this articles and creates a new. I had a look in the RSS source response code of my browser. There one entry is like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

< feed xmlns=“Atom Syndication Format namespace” xmlns:dc=“DCMI: DCMI Metadata Terms” >
< entry>
< title>TITEL< /title>
< link rel=“alternate” href=“http://link this” />
< category term=“news” />
< author>
< name>Toni Tester< /name>
< /author>
< id>tag:hello,2009:news123-1< /id>
< updated>2017-05-15T07:00:36Z< /updated>
< published>2017-05-15T07:00:36Z< /published>
< summary type=“html”>TEST< /summary>
< dc:creator>Toni Tester< /dc:creator>
< dc:date>2017-05-15T07:00:36Z< /dc:date>
< /entry>
< /feed>

The updated entry is very similar:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

< feed xmlns=“Atom Syndication Format namespace” xmlns:dc=“DCMI: DCMI Metadata Terms”>
< entry>
< title>TITEL< /title>
< link rel=“alternate” href=“http://link this” />
< category term=“news” />
< author>
< name>Max Tester< /name>
< /author>
< id>tag:hello,2009:news123-2< /id>
< updated>2017-05-15T08:00:36Z< /updated>
< published>2017-05-15T08:00:36Z< /published>
< summary type=“html”>TEST< /summary>
< dc:creator>Toni Tester< /dc:creator>
< dc:date>2017-05-15T07:00:36Z< /dc:date>
< /entry>
< /feed>

So, the date changed, the author name and the id. The -1 switched to -2 and this is the problem?

if the GUID is different no further matching is going to be done, this is working as intended and is not going to be changed

your feed is malfunctioning, if you prefer your reader working around this somehow by guessing, use something else instead of tt-rss

e: either that or make a plugin that would fix the feed (if fixing the feed itself is impossible)

I will have a look for it. Thank you! :slight_smile: