Error: declare fox.PrefLabelTree: unknown base class. Did you use dojo.require to pull it in?

Since a git pull update a few weeks ago I keep getting an unhandled exception error message

Error: declare fox.PrefLabelTree: unknown base class. Did you use dojo.require to pull it in?

when I try to access the preferences section of my TT-RSS installation. I found a similar post in the old forum and tried clearing browser caches and a different browser but did not succeed. I have the issue with Firefox ESR and Chrome and with different TT-RSS users. If I close the error message and press reload, I usually get the error 2-4 times and then the preferences are shown. If I clear the cache, I (usually) get the error on the second time I enter preferences.

tt-rss version v17.12 (82152bd) on Debian Stretch Linux with mysql database

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Stack trace:

The link to the git commit in the post from 2017 that solved it for the user there just redirects to your git main page.

If I use the browsers console (F12), I see
{“error”:{“code”:6,“message”:“Request not authorized.”}}

how about you go and read the linked thread, instead of skimming the commits for whatever reason, then if you have anything new to report post here

otherwise i’m afraid i can’t help you