Docker-compose + tt-rss

I have been working on migration from a self hosted instance into docker and would like to point out an omission I found on the wiki FAQ for Docker under Backup and Restore. The command for clearing the database is missing the “-c” option to execute the drop/create part of the command.

psql -h db -U $DB_USER $DB_NAME -e -c “drop schema public cascade; create schema public”

thanks, i’ve fixed this in the wiki.

Today I noticed my feeds weren’t updating so I figured I might as well update the docker images. It’s been a while. Turns out the last time dynamic-php7 was rebased on master (thank you for continuing to do that!) it included a change to alpine 3.14 which would break my setup :wink:

Before asking for it to be reverted I did some more digging. In the last year Docker has been updated on raspberry pi, and libseccomp2 has been updated in a newer raspbian release - but raspbian recommends doing a full reinstall to upgrade :frowning:

Luckily I found instructions for updating libseccomp2 on older raspbian. Turns out lots of people use alpine on an rpi and smarter people than me figured out a solution that avoids downgrading docker security. It works! I’m now using master and php8 :grin:

i’m glad to hear that it worked out for you in the end.

that’s weird. raspbian is basically debian, right? debian has been supporting incremental updates of itself for literal decades now (that’s one of the reasons i’ve been using it in production all these years instead of something like RHEL/clones, can’t imagine reinstalling stuff each major release).

yes, I’m very familiar with upgrading debian in-place :slight_smile:

but their official instructions specifically say that while upgrade is possible, they strongly recommend a reinstall. I guess the target market might find it difficult to recover from a mistake rendering the system unbootable, maybe they’re just being cautious!

8 posts were split to a new topic: Podman-compose + tt-rss

Update-Container problems

I use tt-rss within the recommended docker setup. Since a few days the update-container stopped working. No special entries in the log file:

[15:02:03/15] Child process with PID 22705 reaped.
[15:02:03/15] Child process with PID 22707 seems active but lockfile is unlocked.
[15:02:03/15] Received SIGCHLD, 0 active tasks left.
[15:02:03/15] Received SIGCHLD, 0 active tasks left.
[15:03:02/15] 0 active tasks, next spawn at 60 sec.

The feed update only works when I do an manual update via web gui and log_verbose. The log_verbose looks then like that:

[15:04:37/22940] =================================================================================================================================
[15:04:37/22940] guid 2, (hash: {"ver":2,"uid":2,"hash":"SHA1:85b2d73c6ef4b7cb3a5ea6b21aecbcf98521fabd"} compat: SHA1:358640f6c3003f03fac62a127818e8a916766b8a)
[15:04:37/22940] orig date: 1665253797 (2022-10-08 18:29:57)
[15:04:37/22940] title Inflation, High Inflation, Hyperinflation
[15:04:37/22940] link
[15:04:37/22940] language en
[15:04:37/22940] author Activist Post
[15:04:37/22940] looking for tags...
[15:04:37/22940] tags found: economy, hyperinflation, inflation, thorsten polleit
[15:04:37/22940] done collecting data.
[15:04:37/22940] looking for enclosures...
[15:04:37/22940] article hash: 2f9c038101130eb5e0e32eb389cc11d55d9c8748 [stored=2f9c038101130eb5e0e32eb389cc11d55d9c8748]
[15:04:37/22940] stored article seems up to date [IID: 157639], updating timestamp only.
[15:04:37/22940] =================================================================================================================================
[15:04:37/22940] guid 2, (hash: {"ver":2,"uid":2,"hash":"SHA1:514b08d149c04b896eb57e5edf6da1d0fc4a6101"} compat: SHA1:d898796dd82ef971e3c4b863f07dfd0c291fefbb)
[15:04:37/22940] orig date: 1665240205 (2022-10-08 14:43:25)
[15:04:37/22940] title How Americans Rate Federal Agencies
[15:04:37/22940] link
[15:04:37/22940] language en
[15:04:37/22940] author Activist Post
[15:04:37/22940] looking for tags...
[15:04:37/22940] tags found: politics, regulations, tyler durden
[15:04:37/22940] done collecting data.
[15:04:37/22940] looking for enclosures...
[15:04:37/22940] article hash: 59753b86054962a9000637ab5a3e487f323c55ef [stored=59753b86054962a9000637ab5a3e487f323c55ef]
[15:04:37/22940] stored article seems up to date [IID: 157640], updating timestamp only.
[15:04:37/22940] =================================================================================================================================
[15:04:37/22940] guid 2, (hash: {"ver":2,"uid":2,"hash":"SHA1:9122161c0b0769e48dcb5efc005eaa2b3e2910df"} compat: SHA1:7919c5ce159ce4e485ad430cc1aa667e6ce07c40)
[15:04:37/22940] orig date: 1665239735 (2022-10-08 14:35:35)
[15:04:37/22940] title Markets Are Expecting The Federal Reserve To Save Them – It’s Not Going To Happen
[15:04:37/22940] link
[15:04:37/22940] language en
[15:04:37/22940] author Activist Post
[15:04:37/22940] looking for tags...
[15:04:37/22940] tags found: brandon smith, economic collapse, economy, stock market, the fed
[15:04:37/22940] done collecting data.
[15:04:37/22940] looking for enclosures...
[15:04:37/22940] article hash: b387bef95d89b2cd8e15a5071139bdbb0fe990f9 [stored=9fd250738e9bbca0edaa28c9577b3a2550d6ca32]
[15:04:37/22940] hash differs, running HOOK_ARTICLE_FILTER handlers...
[15:04:37/22940] plugin data: 
[15:04:37/22940] date: 1665239735 (2022/10/08 14:35:35)
[15:04:37/22940] num_comments: 0
[15:04:37/22940] force catchup: 
[15:04:37/22940] base guid found, checking for user record
[15:04:37/22940] initial score: 0 [including plugin modifier: 0]
[15:04:37/22940] user record FOUND: RID: 157641, IID: 157641
[15:04:37/22940] resulting RID: 157641, IID: 157641
[15:04:37/22940] article updated, but we're forbidden to mark it unread.
[15:04:37/22940] assigning labels [other]...
[15:04:37/22940] assigning labels [filters]...
[15:04:37/22940] resulting article tags: brandon smith, economic collapse, economy, stock market, the fed
[15:04:37/22940] article processed.
[15:04:37/22940] =================================================================================================================================
[15:04:37/22940] purging feed...
[15:04:37/22940] purge_feed: interval 60 days for feed 18, owner: 2, purge unread: 1
[15:04:37/22940] purge_feed: deleted 0 articles.
[15:04:37/22940] update done.

The update interval that is saved within the preference is ignored and no update will be comitted by the docker-update-container.

Please let me know which further logs or informations are needed to get the updater working again.

Thx a a lot for your great work and help.


most likely cause is time-related problems on your server (?). search the forum, this has been discussed many times before.

For anyone running into the same issue:

Delete all the containers.


in the .env-file and do a docker-compose up -d


simple update mode is for shared hosting where you can’t run daemons, fix your setup instead of posting misinformation.

not to say that this won’t even work because the variable is unprefixed.

FYI the links in the desciption on Docker are broken.

Maybe these could be changed

from …/docker-compose.yml

are also broken, but I am only allowed to put 2 links in a post


thanks for reporting, i’ll take a look when i have some time.

those should be fixed now.

With static-dockerhub branch, ttrss-docker_app fails to start:

WARNING: updating DNS lookup error
WARNING: updating DNS lookup error
(1/1) Installing sed (4.9-r2)
ERROR: sed-4.9-r2: DNS lookup error is indeed down.

it’s not down, it’s just not on the internet.

so you’re trying to run cthulhoo/ttrss-fpm-pgsql-static:latest image off docker hub and it tries to install sed at runtime using nexus? or you’re trying to build an image?

e: image shouldn’t install anything at runtime, including sed.

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I am running image off docker, via docker-compose. The errors above are from podman logs ttrss-docker_app_1, so they are runtime errors. Yet the only mention of apk add sed is in Dockerfile of that image, so I frankly speaking have no idea how come sed is being installed at container runtime.

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in any case, this is a public image so it shouldn’t use my internal nexus repository to install packages. i’ll make a note to fix this.



I haven’t touched my tt-rss server configs in a year or so, when I went to update it I was surprised the git url was broken - and when I looked at the install guide, the docker-compose repo was nowhere to be seen in favour of integrating docker files into the main git repo. A change I support, but wasn’t prepared to switch to right now.

Turns out that my error was actually the gitea to gitlab transition; for anyone else coming along later the old docker-compose git url moved here

I will make the switch eventually, it looks pretty easy if I stick to postgres 12, but what I have is stable enough that I don’t feel pressured to change anything.

please don’t use this repository. use this instead:

i’ll set is as private because apparently this repo being archived and missing on is not enough of an indicator :slight_smile: