Display article URL shortcut


Is there any keyboard shortcut for “Display article URL”?

not right now but it should be very easy to add. main problem is choosing the actual shortcut key.

I let my browser show me any link URL by hovering the cursor over the link, it’s displayed in the browser Status bar (at least in macOS Safari or Firefox).

You could display the article URL all the time by adding CSS like this (maybe add a position adjustment):

div.cdm.expandable.active div.header a.title::after {
  content: attr(href);
  display: block;

Or, only show it on hover (or focus):

div.cdm.expandable.active div.header a.title:hover::after, 
div.cdm.expandable.active div.header a.title:focus::after {
	content: attr(href);
	display: block;

If you’re dead set on using a key to show/hide the URL, maybe it toggles a class that includes the essential bit, content: attr(href), I’m not familiar with how existing keys work.