Combined (unexpanded) mode has to go

Maybe I’m confused, and I’ve been using the combined-unexpanded mode long enough I don’t know how to set it up again. I updated from TTRSS git from a few months back to today, and saw all articles expanded in the combined view, and no obvious way to have only the active article expanded (as my CSS does).

Is there some option/toggle somewhere I’m missing about that?



check out hotkeys help (f c and f C)

I was trying to find a solution for keyboard-driven navigation that allows skipping certain articles to read later, i.e. navigating to and opening the high-priority articles first without opening/expanding the articles in between (and thus leaving them marked as unread).

Currently the hotkey functions next_article_noexpand/prev_article_noexpand" (“Move to article (don’t expand or mark read)”) are still available, but actually do mark the article as read (xhrPost: Object { op: "rpc", method: "catchupSelected", ids: "***", cmode: 0 } is when navigating).

Similarly, the hotkey function toggle_expand doesn’t seem to work anymore (related: Collapsing article). I understand that this is probably because these functions are “remnants” of the previous implementation of the unexpanded combined mode (Combined (unexpanded) mode has to go - #65 by Bob). Could this be tackled, so that the method of navigation as described above can be (re)introduced?

tt-rss commit 088fcf8131

as far as i remember it was either remove this altogether or bring back a limited implementation which would not affect so much core code, which is what i did.

just because it’s six months later i’m not going to suddenly change my mind and start adding back complexity like separate active / unread tracking etc.

you should be able to implement this via plugins, if necessary by replacing methods on JS side. this way this code would be your responsibility and i won’t have to maintain it.

e: _noexpand actions are likely used in three panel mode for quick navigation which is not related to unexpanded stuff.

Three panel mode is exactly where these two hotkey functions do not open the articles (as intended), but do mark them as read.

and this is working as designed - article with active state is always marked as read now.

Ok, cool. In that case it’s just the description “Move to article (don’t expand or mark read)” that’s incorrect. Thx for the fast response, I’ll consider creating a plugin for keyboard navigation like I described.

if that is the description then it is wrong, yes. likely not updated from previous behavior.

This new plugin does the job for me (in all modes): [Plugin] Use cursor keys for tree-style article navigation