Change on Tumblr: RSS feeds not working

Hi. Just to be sure, can someone confirm that the two Loewi’s UA are still working ?

I tried it and didn’t succeded.

I can confirm it’s still working for me with UA:

facebookexternalhit/1.0 (+

Which plugin are you using?
What do you get when you try to debug the feed?

I was trying to access the tumblr blog and changing the user agent with a firefox addon.

But it seems I made a mistake, I should have tried to access the rss feed url and not the blog directly.

TT-RSS was able to access the tumblr feeds today, so it works with the facebook UA !

is the “(+http…” part also required or does ‘facebookexternalhit/1.0’ alone work as UA?

Yes, that part is also required.It is part of the UA. It may work without but I didn’t check.

Don’t know if anybody’s still interested in it, but anyway… I just released v1.1 of my tumblr_gdpr_ua plugin. Discourse doesn’t seem to like me posting links, but you can find the new version in the Github repository I mentioned in this thread a while back.

Previously, the user agent to use with Tumblr feeds has been hardcoded in the plugin. With v1.1, you can set the user agent you wish to use in the plugin’s settings. If no user agent is set, the plugin falls back to GoogleBot’s UA.

Hopefully, this becomes helpful if Tumblr changes things around again and you want to change the user agent.

it’s easy to find but i guess we might as well repeat it here, it’s a long thread:

After removing RSS from blogs with ‘sensitive media’ Tumblr is as good as dead now. But thanks for the update anyway.

I’m still very interested in this plugin: tumblr_gdpr_ua and thank you to all those who’ve cooked it up.
Although, I’m trying to install it on a fresh update of tt-rss and I can’t see it in my list of plugins. I’ve dropped it in the plugins.local folder and also tried the plugins folder. But it just does not show up. Anyone has the same issue?

(tt-rss git (6060963), debian 10, mysql, php7.3)

You probably need to rename its folder from tumblr-gdpr-ua to tumblr_gdpr_ua to match its class.

Oh god! Thank you for this. I completely missed this change between ‘-’ and ‘_’. The Github project is named ttrss-tumblr-gdpr-ua and I just thought I needed to remove the ttrss- part. Thank you for this.