Can't remove archived entry

I have one post under archived section from an old rss (removed since). I can’t remove it.

Select the archived article (checkmark). From the Select drop down menu, select Delete.

(You may have tried this already, but you didn’t provide many details.)

I don’t have “Delete” entryCapture

same in EnglishCapture

You’re right-clicking on the item. You checkmark it, then use the Select… dropdown at the top of the page.

WoW thnx. It’s not ergonomic at all.
I think that the DELETE action should be in right click ON the article.
I also think it’s not intuitive to put an ACTION in a menu called SELECT who present filters first

Best regards

normally you don’t need to delete or un/archive anything in tt-rss manually so it doesn’t make a lot of sense to me to bloat up popup menu with this option

this dropdown deals with selection and actions specific to selected items

e: also, read the faq first if you plan on deleting stuff manually on a regular basis