A way to modify login page css / login dark css


I use a dark theme in tt-rss, so to make the login page go also dark I did modify the tt-rss.css file.

In the folder /css of tt-rss.
Open file tt-rss.css
Add to line 9 :

/*_BLACK LOGIN___________*/

body#ttrssMain, body#ttrssPrefs, body#ttrssLogin, body {
    background : #212121;
    color : #eaeaea;

#loginForm div.form fieldset div.row input.input.input-text {
    background : #212121;
    color : #eaeaea;

/*_BLACK LOGIN___________*/

Maybe this modification and others could be done directly in the pref page, like the “Customize stylesheet” form ?

Of course since we are not logged yet, maybe we could restrain this possibility to the admin account.