500+ users and 10000+ feeds in tt-rss can't refresh feeds in time

Deploy by docker-compose

when i upgrade latest images and upgrade pgsql to v13 . i found i can’t refresh my feed all days

the ttrss had a bout 500+ users and 10000+ feeds. i guess one container can’t refresh all the feeds in 15 min , So i try to use “docker-compose up --scale” to running 4 containers . it’s better than early . But still can’t refresh the newest feeds in time.

Now , I don’t know what to do

And how can i set to force all user “Default update interval” 1 hour ? just like “FORCE_ARTICLE_PURGE” in config.php

tt-rss is not supposed to scale past a certain point. this is by design, i’ve posted on my reasons many times before.

that said, one thing to try is adding more updater jobs (MAX_JOBS in config.php, default 2). don’t add too many at once though.

you can’t but adding this could be useful. better idea would be forcing a minimum interval though.

Thanks for you help…

4 posts were split to a new topic: Tuning php memory for tt-rss

How did it work out @stille?

You could change the pref_name DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL in ttrss_user_prefs / ttrss_user_prefs2 to 60 via SQL for existing users. Additionally you can change the default for new users in the ttrss_prefs table.