Reeder Login via fever and let's encrypt

I used the fever-plugin together with reeder in iOS for quite some time now. After updating my installation and adding let’s encrypt certificate, login does not work anymore.

It also seems like the repository is abandoned, are there any insights or updates?
The last entry in the old forum also reports problems with let’s encrypt, anybody else having these issues?

I use Let’s Encrypt and the web interface and the TTRSS-Reader app by Nils Braden on Android and it is working just fine.

It also seems like the repository is abandoned, are there any insights or updates?


As stated in the title, I’m talking about the fever-api-plugin (GitHub - dasmurphy/tinytinyrss-fever-plugin: TinyTiny RSS Fever API Plugin).

idk, maybe you should ask the maintainer of the plugin.

On iOS certificate validation is handled by the OS… at least in the case of Reeder. (I can’t imagine any developers wanting to tackle it themselves since the OS can do it for them.) So Let’s Encypt should work just fine. I’m using it on my install without issue.

Are you sure the issue you’re experiencing is not related to what’s being discussed in this thread:

The current version of tinytinyrss-fever-plugin doesn’t play nice with tt-rss. To fix, you need to change one line.

Yes, I am aware of the current bugs, that is exactly the problem. I implemented the proposed fixes but it still does not work. Therefore I assumed that the problem is probably not the plugin alone?

To be absolutely clear: Did you change both lines of code? There are two patches to make it work again: this and that.